Creating Links to Other Pages

How to create intra-site links

Linking from HTML

Sometimes, like when you’re adding a link to the Information Sidebox, you have the ability to use PHP in building both the link and the anchor text.

But sometimes you won’t be able to use PHP. Examples of this situation are:

  • Modifying a category description to add a link
  • Modifying a product description to add a link
  • Modifying an EZ-Page to add a link

No worries, even though you can’t use PHP, you can still create a link to another page using straight HTML.

Note that all link hrefs should start with index.php not /index.php. This will allow you to move the site to a subfolder, for example during testing.

If you are doing this in CKEditor, be sure to press the Source button so that you may enter straight HTML source code. If you are using Plain Text, you can just enter the HTML code in.

Linking to a Product from HTML

To link to product 6, the Widget product, you would use

<a href="index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=6">Widget</a>

Note that this will work for products whose product_type is set to 1. If this is not the case, use the specific main_page setting for their product type. For example,


Linking to a Category from HTML

To link to category 9, the Anvils category, you would use

<a href="index.php?main_page=index&cPath=9">Anvils</a>

Linking to an EZ-Page from HTML

To link to EZ-Page 8, titled “FAQ”, you would use

<a href="index.php?main_page=page&id=8">FAQ</a>

Linking to another built-in page from HTML

Go to the page and note the URL. Then trim off everything before index.php and use the remainder.

For example, your contact us page might be

Trim off everything before the index.php and use that.

For more help, please <a href="index.php?main_page=contact_us">Contact Us</a>.

Linking from PHP

If you’re linking from PHP, you are likely editing a code file. Here are some ideas on what to add to build your link.

Linking to a Product from PHP

To link to product 6, the Widget product, you would use

<a href="index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=6">Widget</a>

Note that this will work for products whose product_type is set to 1. If this is not the case, use the specific main_page setting for their product type. For example,


Linking to a Category from PHP

To link to category 9, the Anvils category, you would use

$cat_id = 9; 
<a href="<?php echo zen_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, "cPath=".$cat_id);?>"><?php echo zen_get_category_name($cat_id);?></a>


$cat_id = 9; 
echo '<a href="' . zen_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, "cPath=".$cat_id) . '">' . zen_get_category_name($cat_id) .'</a>'; 

Linking to an EZ-Page from PHP

To link to EZ-Page 19,

$pages_id = 19; 
echo '<a href="' . zen_ez_pages_link($pages_id) . '"></a>';

Still have questions? Use the Search box in the upper right, or try the full list of FAQs. If you can't find it there, head over to the Zen Cart support forum and ask there in the appropriate subforum. In your post, please include your Zen Cart and PHP versions, and a link to your site.

Is there an error or omission on this page? Please post to General Questions on the support forum. Or, if you'd like to open a pull request, just review the guidelines and get started. You can even PR right here.
Last modified May 13, 2024 by Scott Wilson (8e14df8).