CIM Payment Module

Zen Cart CIM Payment Module (for card on file)

Authorizenet CIM Card on File is a plugin for Zen Cart which allows vendors to offer secure credit card storage for customers so checkout is easier.

  • If you are using for payments, this is the ONLY zen-cart payment module that utilizes the newest version of the API. At the time of this writing, all other modules (even ones included in the base ZC code) make use of the now deprecated, name value pair methodology.
  • If you have regular customers, and want to offer a card on file transactions, this is the module for you.
  • Credit card data is stored at the gateway, NOT in your zen-cart database. All that is stored in your zen-cart database is a token. This is considered best practice in the credit card industry.
  • This module creates payment records for all payment transactions which are visible on the detailed order page. The table displays when the payment was authorized, when it was captured, and any refunds or voids; all without wasting bandwidth by querying
  • In addition, if a customer contacts you after completion of an order, and you add to the order using Edit Orders, you can create a new charge right from your admin (with the “Get Money” button) using the customers card on file. Note that the “Get Money” button is only visible when there is an amount due on the order.
  • It allows a customer to store multiple cards, and it is one of the most complete payment modules, in that you have an audit trail for all payment transactions right on the orders page.

Screenshot from 2024-03-28 16-53-21



You need to generate your username and transaction key:

  1. Log in to your account on the website.

  2. Click on “Account” in the Main Menu Bar.

  3. Click on the “API Login ID and Transaction Key” link under Security settings.

  4. Your username will be shown. Record it.

  5. To generate a new Transaction Key (which is required for new accounts, and also recommended if switching from test mode to production mode), fill in the answer to the security question, and check the box to disable the old key.

  6. Copy and paste your Transaction Key into your Zen Cart settings.


  1. Login to your Zen Cart Admin

  2. Go to Modules

  3. Go to Payment

  4. Select New Credit Card (authorizenet_cim) and click Install

  5. Enter your Login ID and Transaction Key as recorded earlier

  6. Configure the rest of the settings as desired:

  7. Transaction Mode - Set this to Production for normal use, or simulate some tests using the Test option (See below for testing instructions). NOTE: This can be set to “Test” or “Production” regardless of whether your account is in Test mode.

  8. Authorization Type - In most cases you will want to do an “Authorize+Capture” to capture payment immediately. In some situations, you may prefer to simply “Authorize” transactions, and then manually use your Merchant Terminal to formally capture the payments (esp if payment amounts may fluctuate between placing the order and shipping it)

  9. Request CVV Number - If enabled, this will cause the customer to be asked for their 3-or-4 digit number off the back of their card. This is important for card validation, and should usually be enabled.

  10. Validation mode - should card info be validated.

  11. Sort Order of Display – Any value greater than zero will cause this payment method to appear in the specified sort order on the checkout-payment page

  12. Payment Zone - if you want only customers from a particular zone to be able to use this payment module, select that zone here.

  13. Set Completed Order Status - For Captured and Approved orders, what order-status should be set?  Default recommended is “Processing”

  14. Set Refunded Order Status - For transactions that are refunded, this order status setting will be used. Recommended: “Pending”

  15. Debug Mode - If you need to diagnose what details are sent to and received from the gateway, enable this option. Logs will be stored in the /cache folder and numbered in obscurity to prevent snooping. Set it to “Alerts Only” if you want to be emailed if payment system errors occur but not clutter log folders on the server.

  16. Once properly configured the Card on File - COF will now also be enabled.


You’ll probably find that even for testing you’ll need to have an SSL certificate on your store. Transactions may be rejected if not submitted over SSL.

To test your shop,

  • Set your Transaction Mode to “Test”. You DO NOT need to have your actual account in Testing mode; this will simulate a test even against a Production account.
  • Run a transaction in your shop. 
  • Once satisfied, set the Transaction Mode to ‘Production’



  1. Incorporated with each successful order is a listing of:
  • Transaction ID
  • Approval Code
  • Amount
  1. This module creates its own payment table. From within the admin, there are easy to read buttons which enable you to void transactions, settle on authorizations, refund transactions, as well as collect more money from card on file transactions if you add items to the order.

Still have questions? Use the Search box in the upper right, or try the full list of FAQs. If you can't find it there, head over to the Zen Cart support forum and ask there in the appropriate subforum. In your post, please include your Zen Cart and PHP versions, and a link to your site.

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Last modified March 29, 2024 by Scott Wilson (965fcd9).