Attributes - How do I make dropdowns start with "Please Select"

Prompting the customer to select an option value

In a dropdown, you can start with an attribute value:

Dropdown - no default

or you can start with a prompt like “Please Choose” or “Select a Value”:

Dropdown - default

The former requires no special steps; just add options to products as described in Attributes - adding to products.

The latter requires setting a default option value for each Option Name that will have this behavior.

  • Go to Admin > Catalog > Option Value Manager
  • Select the Option Name that will have this option value. In the second image, it would be “Size.”
  • Create an value option value with the prompt you wish to use (e.g. “Please Select”).
  • Go to Attributes Controller, and select the product you want to operate on.
  • Select the option name (e.g. “Size”) and option value (e.g. “Please Select”).
  • Click “Used For Display Purposes Only” = “Yes.
  • Click “Default Attribute to be Marked Selected” = “Yes.
  • Click the Insert button.

Note: To make this option show at the top of the list, give it a sort order less than all the other sort orders when adding it in Attributes Controller. You may use a negative number if needed.

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Last modified December 18, 2022 by Scott C Wilson (fcfbaf4).