Zen Cart Version Checking in your Plugin
Determining which version of Zen Cart you are running
The function zen_get_zcversion
was created for this purpose.
For example, to determine if you’re running Zen Cart 1.5.7 or higher, use
if (function_exists('zen_get_zcversion') && zen_get_zcversion() >= '1.5.7') {
If you need to check for lower versions, use the defines from includes/version.php
For example, if your code only runs on Zen Cart 1.5.6, use something like
if (PROJECT_VERSION_MAJOR != '1' && substr(PROJECT_VERSION_MINOR, 0, 3) == '5.6') {
// you are running 1.5.6-1.5.6c
In some cases, it might make more sense to use function_exists
. For example, in Zen Cart 1.5.8, several functions were renamed. To determine which function to call, rather than checking for the Zen Cart version, you could do something like this:
if (function_exists('zen_draw_pulldown_products')) {
echo zen_draw_pulldown_products(...);
} else {
// 1.5.7 and below
echo zen_draw_products_pull_down(...);
Still have questions? Use the Search box in the upper right, or try the full list of FAQs. If you can't find it there, head over to the
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and ask there in the appropriate subforum.
In your post, please include your Zen Cart and PHP versions, and a link to your site.
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Last modified December 5, 2022 by Scott C Wilson (1210cd7).